Sylvanus offers assessment and analysis reports for a range of archaeological assemblages from small evaluations to large full-scale excavations. This work provides analysis of the full range of faunal material, including land and marine molluscs, although the bulk of the work concentrates on the animal/bird/herpetofauna and fish bone. Human bone identification and reports are also provided, which can be helpful and cost efficient where general bone assemblages may contain human bone. Small finds from faunal material (such as worked antler/bone/ivory and shell) can also be reported on as part of the service. Photographs or illustrations can also be provided for use in reports, display or publications.
I have over twenty years experience in archaeology through the Norfolk Archaeological Unit, NAU Archaeology and the Norfolk Museums Service and have been working as a Finds Specialist for many years, including as an external specialist for other archaeological organisations. Experience over this time includes working as an archaeological and paleontological conservator on projects such as The West Runton Elephant.
I have produced and maintain my own comparative bone reference collection to aid identification. I contribute to faunal identification and research work through the zooarchaeology network and working groups whenever possible.
Membership includes:
Institute for Field Archaeologists
The Veterinary Pathology Working Group
International Council For Zooarchaeology
The Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Society
Council for British Archaeology
Association for Environmental Archaeology
British Agricultural History Society
I provide outreach for a range of faunal studies, wildlife in archaeology and archaeological finds in general for a variety of private and public events. I am also an extra-mural lecturer with the University of East Anglia teaching ‘Animal Bones in Archaeology’.
As part of the service I regularly assist the police with identifying human and animal bone recovered by the general public or retrieved from a scene of crime, occasionally providing a statement for court evidence.